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Amsterdam Central Station Hotel Depot - Information about Amsterdam Central Station

Amsterdam Central Station Services


Yellow information board Information about your journey on the station:

* The yellow boards on the station concourse and on the platforms show departure times and platform numbers. The route is shown at the top of each board.

* The blue and white boards on the concourse and platforms show the platform numbers, the departure times, the route taken and the final destination.

* A board in the central concourse at larger stations shows departure times of trains by order of departure from that station, together with the destination and platform number.

* The NS railway staff: Please feel free to approach staff at the ticket office or Wizzl or Kiosk outlet with questions. Our employees on the platform, in the station concourse and in the train will also be happy to give you any travel information you may need.

Luggage lockers

Luggage lockers On many stations there are electronic luggage lockers in various sizes. These cost around Euro 4.00 onwards for 24 hours.

Cycling around Holland

Over 100 NS stations offer bike hire at the bicycle hire shop (Rijwielshop/Fietspoint). Ask for more details at an NS ticket office.

Taking your bike on the train

If you want to take your bike with you on the train you need to buy a Bike Day Ticket (Dagkaart Fiets), which costs Euro 6.00.

Be aware, however, that space is limited, and that bikes are not allowed during the morning and evening rush hours (except in July and August). Please ask for terms and conditions at the ticket office.

Train Taxi

Train Taxi The Train Taxi (Treintaxi) is a typically Dutch means of transport, which involves sharing a taxi with other passengers. The taxi will take you to and from one hundred plus railway stations at a reduced price. You pay a fixed price of Euro 4.20 per person, whatever the distance.

Train Taxi tickets can be bought at NS ticket offices or ticket machines. You can buy a ticket from the taxi driver, but it is more expensive, at Euro 5.00.

The Train Taxi covers a specific area only - you can check what this area is by looking at the information board by the Train Taxi pick-up point.

Amsterdam Central Station Hotels

Train Station Hotel Depot

train station hotel